Pictorial Summary: Activities and Events 2015-16 | Mahila Mandal Kakri

Story by-Mahila Mandal Wing | Project Kakri | NCL

“Photos are return ticket to a moment otherwise gone”

In the month of March, all projects are required to send a comprehensive report of CSR activities undertaken by Mahila Mandal wing. The report is sent to the central body of Mahila Mandal-The Kriti Mahila Mandal, NCL, Singrauli.

This year after sending customary report to the authorities, we thought of preparing something which is ours for keeps. For this, we went all-pixel way. Loaded our records with almost every picture we could lay our hands on.

The result-an infographic.

upcoming (3)

Individual Frames-

1. Stationery Distribution in Maulana Azad Public School-










2.Medical examination of students of Saraswati Shishu Mandir, Kakri done jointly with medical wing.















3.Women Health Awareness Programme

4.Blood Donation Camp in Kakri Dispensary- Activity in collaboration with Medical Wing Kakri and NSC Jayant












5.Anand Mela organised in Eklavya Ground, Kakri


6.Blanket Distribution-











7.Sweater Distribution in a primary school in Bansi-


8.Medical camp in Ranhor organised jointly with medical wing













9.Grocery distribution in a school for differently abled children.


10.Sewing Training Centre being run successfully


(Events in this infographic are indicative and not exhaustive.)

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2 Thoughts to “Pictorial Summary: Activities and Events 2015-16 | Mahila Mandal Kakri”

  1. Saavi

    Mam how to make this kind of webpage?

  2. I think you’ve just captured everything perfectly

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