Closing ceremony of ‘Clean India’ fortnight. But the broom keeps sweeping!

Story by- Project Kakri | NCL

Construction of more than 200 toilets in schools across various districts of Madhya Pradesh…

Regular washing and cleaning of workshop and mine to highest possible standards…

Conducting ‘Swachhta Abhiyaan’ in office premises…

Picking up broom to clean surroundings and colony…

Endless efforts towards making Kakri a polythene-free zone…

And now, closing ceremony of Clean India Fortnight…

These may look like one-off events but actually they are not. Through its concerted efforts, project Kakri is swiftly treading towards the goal of achieving ‘Clean India’. And while doing so, it rightfully maintains that cleanliness is not just a series of events. It is a process which requires continuous engagement. One such engagement exercise was done in Kakri Dispensary during closing ceremony of cleanliness fortnight. The event was convened by the Medical Wing in collaboration with Mahila Mandal Wing.

Dr.(Smt) Manjula Singh and Smt.Mamta Pandey alongwith other members distributed cleanliness kits to people. The kits contained sterilized gloves, disposable face masks, dusters, soaps and broom.

The event was successful in seeking active participation from in and around Kakri.

Together, we hope to keep the broom sweeping!


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2 Thoughts to “Closing ceremony of ‘Clean India’ fortnight. But the broom keeps sweeping!”

  1. Deepa

    Wonderful initiative

  2. […] to repeat slogan after them. Smt.Mamta Pandey and Smt.Poonam Kumar chanted together, “Swacchh Bharat, Swasthya Bharat” and children repeated the slogan in […]

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