Time and Patience- The two pearls of life

Project Kakri wishes everyone a very Happy Republic Day.

Watched by employees, stakeholders and community members, we, at Kakri  celebrated our Republic Day with lots of learning and frolic. As always, listening Project Chief brings in lot of learning. But frolic?


On 26th, the Jaunuary this year; the learning was profound and came through visual, auditory and mind mapping route.

(A) Visual Learning–  It is when we attend the information effectively by seeing it. Some examples-


(i) We know we are in Kakri when the General Manager arrives on time and stays till the end.
Picture below shows how Shri L.P.Godse, GM Kakri was present throughout the programme and stayed till the end. Indeed, presence inspires presence. With each passing second, more and more people came pouring in and GM Kakri made it a point to give a greeting nod to all onlookers.


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(ii) When it comes to guard of honour, we all are accustomed of seeing number of lines dotted by many guards. And there are rules prescribing these number and structure. Despite manpower constraints- oh yes- that’s a big one for us- be it machines, be it manpower- we usually don’t get enough of it. Reason- We are not Kakri Project but Kakri Mine. Technically, a project is called a mine once it achieves the full extraction of coal that was planned for it in the first place in PR. That ways, we are running on extension. And as the official releases of the company have it-  we would soon be amalgamated into adjacent Bina Project. Wow! That would mean no boundaries between Bina and Kakri. ‘No-boundaries’ are good thing forever. And putting it in our context, more often than not, this is adds up to sterilisation of coal due to large volumes locked in boundaries. Remember the post in which the our ex-Chairman, Coal India Limited, Shri Partha Bhattacharya applauded my viewpoint. (Full post here)

Back on point, despite manpower constraints, Security Department of Kakri arranged the ceremony of ‘Guard of Honour’  as a token of respect. This shows no matter how small the scale, things could be replicated in proportionate measures with strong will and proper execution.

In this picture–Shri L.P.Godse, GM Kakri inspecting the guard of honour led by a security personnel in full army gear.
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(iii) Shri Godse chose to have no divides between him and community. In his picture we see people from village Kakri, Parasi, Ranhore, Auri, Garbandha and many other villages listening to GM Kakri- without barricading, without fences. The suggested one liner for this picture is ‘Under the tricolor we all are one’.




(B) Auditory Learning-  When learning takes place through spoken words, it is called auditory learning. Since this was our first hands-on with streaming audio, we apologize for the audio quality. And hope next time we do it better. Below are snippets of audio files, corresponding stream and learning from GM Kakri’s address on Republic Day.




(i) 0:41– Acceptance of deprivation and fulfillment.

(ii)1:04- Good participation now, better citizenry tomorrow.

(iii)1:40- Taking the stage to focus on core work.




(i)0:48- Storytelling is an art. And these days, it is an essential art.

(ii)1:50-Time and patience are two pearls of life.




(i) 2:50– Paramount for us to improve in terms of OB target achievement

(ii) 3:55- Incremental increase in devotion goes really far.

(ii) 5:29-Procrastination, laziness, lack of commitment are enemies of nation; collectively and wholesomely.



(i)0.07– Be it marketing, be it public speaking, affiliate is an in thing today. GM Kakri affiliates stage coordinator by incorporating “Jaisey Sharma ji ne taali bajvaayi…”

(C) Mind Mapping-– We have already written about this in one of our previous post. Read here. This time again, GM Kakri crafts a compelling message using mathematical tools and verbal sophistication. See the below audio file stream from 2:07 to 2:50.



With this, we come to an end of this post. But before that; remember we talked about some frolic in the beginning??

Here is the frolic part. Watch on. Cheers.

Suggested Links–
This republic day get “Bharat Mata ki Jai” in GM Kakri’s voice. On your phone. Right here.

Browse. Listen. Choose. Download.   https://soundcloud.com/morethancoal.


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2 Thoughts to “Time and Patience- The two pearls of life”

  1. Rajender Singh Sajwan

    Just one word describes the narration i.e. “AWESOME”.


    Sri L P Godse. He is my ideal. Sweet at heart, Ruthless at work, Amazing speaker, Entertainer and a Super human being down to earth.

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