Plugging energy leakages. Taking care of the basics.

To say water is essential for life is stating the obvious. But what is not so obvious is its availability. Specifically, it is the non-availability of potable water that causes greater suffering. The suffering was more than evident in one of our communities- Marrak Village.

Marrak- a hamlet in Sonebhadra faced acute shortage of potable water. The dwellers of this small place took to road twice a day to fetch drinking water from the nearest hand pump which was 3.5 kilometers away. It costed them time and energy.  Here, the  word ‘energy’  connotes to– ‘Mental Energy’.  Imagine  the  extent  of  mental  energies  leaked  in  one’s  life  when  they  are  constantly  brooding  over  most   fundamental   unit   of  survival-  Water.  Trust me, it is painful. Each household had assigned members and slated time for the chore. Carrying water to and fro was cumbersome. There were days when families had to cut back on their need of water.

To cut back on something as basic as drinking the water has its own costs- both physical and psychological. While the physical cost was evident as most of the villagers suffered from signs of inadequate hydration, the psychological cost reflected in the form of growing sense of acute deprivation among villagers.

Then came the succor. An RO water plant was installed. Basics were taken care of.  Now, villagers devote their time and energy for things beyond basics. Every time a faucet is turned on, there is a deeper lesson learnt—more the basics sorted, more the energy left for things beyond basics.  #IamCoaLIndia        #IamNCL


         (Featured Image- People of village Marrak using RO water plant facility.  The facility is built under CSR by Krishnashila Area of Northern Coalfields Limited.)

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One Thought to “Plugging energy leakages. Taking care of the basics.”

  1. Veena

    Respect you.
    Respect your organisation.

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